Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I have always been green or tried to be at least. I have always been concerned about the things we put in our bodies and the things we are exposed to. I have always questioned the choices we made with our kids' health. But I have been a sheep. In the past, I have been a sheep. I just followed everyone else and did what was "the norm". I vaccinated my kids, I fed them things that were not good for them and deep down I knew it. I went with what the doctor said instead of my gut. But not anymore! I am more educated now and can back up my choices and frankly I just don't care what others think. I will do what I think is best for them. Even my husband can't question my choices because it's not like I'm choosing to intentionally harm our kids. (He is not in total agreement with all my beliefs if you are wondering and it's mostly because...well...he is a sheep). I educate myself on things now rather than say "oh...well if the doc says it's ok then it's ok".

Lately, I am having a hard time because we have been financially strapped and it's hard to even get bills paid much less eat right. I can't conciously buy the CRAP that I don't want my kids to eat because it's cheaper. I am trying to figure out ways that we can eat right and eat healthy without killing our wallets. On top of that I am trying to come up with ways to make the money I need to buy the kids curriculum for next year. And meanwhile having battles with family on why I don't want my kids exposed to cigarette smoke. (Don't get me started on this topic). But I know God always provides and He always has for us so I know He will. Just in His time and not ours.

While I was typing the above paragraph a friend called to offer me some suggestions on curriculum. I will be borrowing a lot from them for next year now. See....God provides in His time.

Now I'm off to movie night with a friend. I hope everyone has a great night!

Friday, May 27, 2011

My wild little man

Josh worked all night last night because of the crazy storm so I took the kids to the park to play with friends. As soon as we got there he walked behind Morgan while she was swinging really high and got nailed. I took him to the ER fearing a concussion because he wasn't acting normal. He is fine we just have to keep an extra eye on him. Another day off my life thanks to my wild and crazy son. What is it with boys?

We just had a weird storm blow through here. It was crazy how fast it came up. I took the kids to the basement just in case. I panicked when I saw hail and the sideways rain and strong winds. It is of course sunny and pretty now.

Since it's memorial day weekend we get an extra day with Josh which is nice. I hope we can find something free and fun to do. Hope everyone else has a fun weekend!

Monday, May 23, 2011

It was a great weekend despite Josh working most of the day Saturday. I just love our family time. I know one day I will miss these days and I want to enjoy them as much as possible.

Today has been a little rough. I woke up with a severe lower back pain (as usual) and a headache (also usual) after a long night of listening to storms. I gave in and went to the chiro and he has definitely helped but I'm still hurting some. I can at least bend over and pick up my toddler now.

We haven't completed Morgan's schoolwork for today so that's next on the agenda as well as homework for Maddie and Kennedy and then supper time.

On another note Josh found some baby bunnies living behind our builiding today. They were so cute. I'm so glad he hasn't used the weed eater lately because they would have been killed. They were nesting in the tall grass.

Well off to spend the evening with my babies and get some things done. Goodnight!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Josh is working two jobs now so he has barely been home lately. The kids and I are eating lunch then heading out to an event in town and to see some friends at the local Indie Flea. I am running on very little sleep the last couple of days thanks to wonderful co-sleeping baby and it's almost nap time so this should be interesting. Wish me luck!